Becky together with other kids at Kibera tennis court.
Children from Kibera really enjoy coming to the court. They call it `Ng'ambo’ This is their play space away from the packed densely populated Gatwekera, full of waste products disposed everywhere.
Becky is one of the children who came to the court. She comes along with her older brothers, who enjoy playing here. Becky was a very shy girl when she started coming to the court with the brothers. She used to sit at the far end corner of the field shyly waiting for the brother to finish playing. She quietly played alone and looked away whenever anyone tried to draw her attention, or looked at her. She would not responded to any     friendly gestures and used to cry whenever anyone provoked her.
As days went by, she slowly changed her waiting position and began sitting close to the playground. She also gradually began to smile at others and responded to questions asked to her, she also agreed to participate in playing with the rest though for a short time, and was easily irritated by other.
Becky participating in the tennis sessions.
However this has changed as nowadays she joins all the rest of the children in playing. She smiles and laughs loudly and engages others very well. She never fails to show up during practice even when she is alone. “She has learnt how to play tennis and is one of my best under 6 tennis players. She is also currently able to defend herself and speak up for herself too. A bright and bubbly girl she is today, I love her smile and is proud of her as her coach” says Joy Akim who has seen her grow.
It is here that we see real flowers blossom and shine so bright to showcase their beauty and potential. Right in front of our eyes at the Kibera Tennis Court the safe play space for children.


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