Internship at Sadili Yields Great Professional Experience: Intern Success Story 1

Hellen Victoria was one of two interns who successfully completed a 3-month internship at Sadili on 31st March 2017. Here is what she had to say about her experience:

“My name is Hellen Victoria Muthoni Njagi, a 3rdyear student at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies. I recently completed my internship at Sadili Oval Sports Academy and it was for sure an eye opening experience. I worked under 2 programmes: Court of Dreams and Girl Power Clubs Africa.

I was in the Social Work department which involved a lot of fieldwork and  a bit of office work. At the beginning, I found it challenging to be in the field daily but with time I came to understand that there were lessons behind the fieldwork. 

I was lucky enough to work with experienced social educators because I learnt a lot from them. To start with, I was able to gain confidence to address people. This improved daily as I was always expected to speak to children. This also helped to improve my thinking capacity because we had to know what we had to teach the children each day before leaving the office for fieldwork. I always had to prepare myself adequately because the children always had questions to ask.

A part from learning data collection skills during fieldwork, this experience was also a major reality check. I noticed that many children in Kibera live under poor conditions and yet they still had smiles on their faces. This constantly reminded me of what matters most in life: a positive attitude. Putting a smile on children’s faces was very fulfilling and it made me happy to know that I could play a part in their lives, to help make their future bright, with the help of Sadili.

This internship provided an amazing atmosphere in which I was challenged to use all my creativity and knowledge. Furthermore, I learned how to work in a professional environment and gained valuable skills that I am sure will be very useful when I get into the workforce after my studies.

My experience at Sadili is one I will not forget in a long time. It was an exceptional opportunity and I am truly grateful to the organization for giving me a chance to work with them.”

Sadili is committed to the professional development of its employees, interns and volunteers and extremely proud of them progressing within the organization and challenging themselves with new goals. We invite you to become part of our success story.


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