Celebrate the Hot Rod & Custom Car Lifestyle at the Toronto Motorama Show

MOTORAMA MAYHEM… IN THE BACKROOM Celebrate the Hot Rod & Custom Car Lifestyle at the Toronto Motorama Show March 8, 9 & 10, 2019 at Toronto's International Centre TORONTO, ON // JANUARY 29, 2019 • Celebrating the Hot Rod and Custom Car culture and lifestyle, ' Motorama Mayhem…in the Backroom ' is the latest feature in the Motorama Custom Car & Motorsports Expo line up, the 'show within a show' occupying the 30,000 square foot Hall 3 of Toronto's International Centre. Presented by Zehr Insurance Brokers Ltd. , Motorama Mayhem…in the Backroom will showcase traditionally-styled hot rods and custom cars, the vehicles that, according to Mayhem co-ordinator Brandon Roberts, "you would have seen cruising around the streets back in the '60s." "We have everything from 'T-Buckets' to 'Belly Tankers' to customs; every kind of vehicle, all from the late 1920s right through to the mid-'60s," explained Roberts....