
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Court of Dreams: Using Sport to Promote Dental Hygiene

After a 2 month long holiday last year (2016), most kids finally returned to school on 4 th January 2017. This included many of the schools that are part of our Court if Dreams programme. The first few weeks had not been a smooth ride for both Sadili staff and the teachers at these schools as most of the pupils had not yet to report back to school. However, the third week of January (16 th -24 th ) which is also the third week since schools reopened saw a good turnaround of events with a good percentage of kids back to school and settled. Sadili’s social educators successfully had life skills sessions with almost all the schools in the programme.This week (from 23 rd -30 th January), they are back to these schools with a focus on dental hygiene.   Practicing dental hygiene at an early age can help kids develop healthy, strong teeth into adulthood. This is why tooth brushing remains one of the major topics often discussed by Sadili’s Social educators through the Court of Dreams ...

The Court of Dreams Improves Health and Schooling: Success stories Part 3

Denzel Ochieng Denzel is a standard 2 pupil at Jitahidi primary School. Records from the class register provided to us by his class teacher shows a steady increase in attendance since he joined our programme. His class teacher believes that the court of dreams programme has played a key role in improving Denzel’s and other pupils’ attitudes towards school. “As you can see our school does not have a playing space, and so your court [Kibera tennis court] is the only one available for them. Our pupils, particularly Denzel, have always been very excited about getting down to the tennis court,” says his class teacher. “I have said it before and I still maintain that I hope the programme will keep going on, so that our kids have space to play, and have a good motivation at least once a week to be in school.” “During the December holidays I had time to play at the tennis court every day. Now that we are back to school, I will be looking forward to our play days [Wednesdays],” says Denzel....

University of Minnesota Students Visit Sadili's Girl Power Clubs Africa

Sadili’s Girl Power Clubs Africa was thrilled to start the New Year by hosting students of the University of Minnesota on 4 th and 5 th January 2017. The 10 students, accompanied by their professor, Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, visited the country with the aim of exploring how in the Kenyan culture physical activity is used as a gateway to many aspects of life and how it can empower youth, especially girls. “Sport is a big culture in the United States, and we believe it is the same in Kenya too,” said Prof Daheia. “I hope that by the end of our visit, the students will have a better understanding of how Kenyan girls use sports for empowerment”. The team visited Olympic High School’s Girl Power Club during the 2 days where they had open discussions with the girls. They talked about how sport has changed their lives, school, life in America and Kenya and their personal lives. The Olympic High School girls also talked about the role of Girl Power Clubs in their education and development. Th...