Sadili's Girl Power Clubs Africa to Lead Global Mentoring Walk

Preparations are underway to mark this year's International Women's Day on 5th March, in Uholo, Ugenya Constituency, Kenya, with the Global Mentoring Walk that will see more than 200 girls partner with mentors who will help them make life's decisions. This is be the first time that an event of this nature takes place in a rural setting in Kenya. We are pleased that Vital Voices Fellow Dr. Liz Odera, chose the Girl Power Clubs Africa Program in Ugunja Constituency to be the flag-bearers for Kenya. The Guest of Honour will be the Siaya County Women’s MP Hon Dr Christine Ombaka. Other leaders from the county will be present. It will be a precursor event to celebrate the International Women’s Day. The Day’s Programme 8.00 – 9.00 a.m. High school girls and community women leaders converge at the Sigomre Chief’s Camp. 9.30 a.m. – 10.00 a.m. Flag off of the Ceremony Women and Girls begin walk, which ends at the Sigomre Secondary School 11.00 a.m. – Speech by the Guest of Honour, H...