Dan Limbago (USTA) A Hit At Sadili

The Sadili camps kick started on high note on the 17/12/12. A lot of energy could be felt all round within the various displines from Tennis, Basketball, Soccer and Rugby. Fitness with Dan Limbago Undaunted by the heavy rains that fell for the better part of Tuesday morning, athletes at Sadili couldn’t miss an opportunity of taking advantage of training with visiting trainers, Mr. Dan Limbago who is the national manager of National Junior Tennis and Learning (NJTL), at the United States Tennis Association (USTA), assisted by Sadili Oval’s own; Dr. Elizabeth Odera, (Director of Sadili Oval Sports Academy). From the Basketball court, Mr. Nick-Caro O’Neil Golding who was an Instructor with MPAC Sports in the U.A.E Dubai (from Chicago, USA) had intense sessions with students who were only eager to fill their curiosity and skill on the game. Their determination written all over their faces was a clear indication of how well they would like to excel. Speaking to Sadili Oval’s Evelyne ...